3 - 5 Werkdagen
Ten years after an aging Batman retired, Gotham City has sunk deeper into decadence and lawlessness. Now, when his city needs him most, the Dark Knight returns in a blaze of glory. Joined by Carrie Kelly, a teenaged Robin, Batman takes to the streets to end the threat of the mutant gangs that have overrun the city.
- : Frank Miller
- : DC Comics
- : 9781401263119
- : Engels
- : Paperback
- : 224
- : februari 2016
- : 363
- : 257 x 165 x 15 mm.
- : Amerikaanse / Britse stripboeken en graphic novels; Dystopische en utopische fictie; Graphic novel / stripboek: misdaad, mysterie en thrillers; Graphic novel / stripboek: sciencefiction; Graphic novel / stripboek: superhelden en superschurken