If You Were Me and Lived in...India

2 - 4 Weken

Let's travel to India! Land of bright colors and delicious spices, If You Were Me and Lived in...India takes young readers on a road trip to learn about this interesting place. Children will learn how to say mommy and daddy, what type of currency is used, games that youngsters play and a lot of interesting facts about the beautiful land of India. If You Were Me and Lived in...India adds this ethnically diverse country to the growing, award winning series that is out to cover the entire globe, teaching children about culture and customs all over the world. The ForeWord Review, Clarion Review gave "If You Were Me and Lived in...Kenya" a coveted five-star ranking. The first book in the series, If You Were Me and Lived in...Mexico" received the Pinnacle Award for Best in Children's Nonfiction 2012.

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  • : Kelsea Wierenga, Carole P Roman
  • : Chelshire, Inc.
  • : 9781947118331
  • : Engels
  • : Paperback
  • : 28
  • : april 2017
  • : 96
  • : 216 x 216 x 6 mm.
  • : If You Were Me and Lived In...Cultural
  • : Azië; Kinderen / tieners: algemeen: plaatsen en volkeren