The Book of Joy
The Book of Joy
The Book of Joy
The Book of Joy

1 - 2 Weken

The two men spent a week discussing a single burning question: how do we find joy in the face of suffering?This book is a gift from two of the most important spiritual figures of our time.

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  • : Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu
  • : Cornerstone
  • : 9781786330444
  • : Engels
  • : Hardcover
  • : 368
  • : september 2016
  • : 522
  • : 149 x 223 x 36 mm.
  • : Aanvullende therapieën, genezing en gezondheid; Christendom; Filosofie; Geest, lichaam, ziel: gedachtegoed en praktijk; Populairwetenschappelijke psychologie; Tibet; Tibetaans Boeddhisme