The Glorious Light Meditation

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THE GLORIOUS LIGHT MEDITATION TECHNIQUE OF ANCIENT EGYPT New for the year 2000. This volume is based on the earliest known instruction in history given for the practice of formal meditation. Discovered by Dr. Muata Ashby, it is inscribed on the walls of the Tomb of Seti I in Thebes Egypt. This volume details the philosophy and practice of this unique system of meditation originated in Ancient Egypt and the earliest practice of meditation known in the world which occurred in the most advanced African Culture.

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  • : Muata Abhaya Ashby
  • : Cruzian Mystic Books
  • : 9781884564154
  • : Engels
  • : Paperback
  • : 180
  • : december 2005
  • : 332
  • : 254 x 178 x 10 mm.
  • : Oldest Meditation System in History, from Ancient Egypt
  • : Geschiedenis van het Midden-Oosten; Oude Egypte (2686 v.C. - ca. 323 v.C.); Oude geschiedenis