A Course of Love - Second Edition

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There is a way of knowing that can take you beyond what all your learning has taken you. It can take you to the truth of who you are.

Those yearning to access the heart's knowing will find help here. A Course of Love draws the mind into communion with the heart. It facilitates the dawning of the consciousness of unity--a consciousness that cannot be learned, but only revealed through union and relationship.

In this Combined Volume, "The Course" establishes wholeheartedness, an integration of mind and heart. "The Treatises" reveal the "art of thought," move the reader through the personal self to the true Self, and on to co-creation of a new world. "The Dialogues" offer the transformational experience of The Forty Days and Forty Nights, and a direct relationship with the God within.

A Course of Love is an intimate companion on your journey home.

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  • : Mari Perron
  • : Dawn Publications,U.S.
  • : 9781584696698
  • : Engels
  • : Paperback
  • : 718
  • : november 2019
  • : 956
  • : 153 x 228 x 40 mm.
  • : Geest, lichaam, ziel: gedachtegoed en praktijk