An Instrumental Approach to Planning and Development Law in the Netherlands
An Instrumental Approach to Planning and Development Law in the Netherlands
An Instrumental Approach to Planning and Development Law in the Netherlands
An Instrumental Approach to Planning and Development Law in the Netherlands

2 - 3 Werkdagen

‘An Instrumental Approach to Planning and Development Law in the Netherlands’ seeks to be an accessible introduction to the extensive field of planning law. The book covers both the ‘planning side’ (the formal system) and the ‘development side’ (including the interrelations between municipalities and developers). That implies that not only public law instruments are discussed, but also the many types of agreements between local authorities and property developers. The emphasis in ‘An Instrumental Approach to Planning and Development Law in the Netherlands’ is on local building projects and urban (re)development projects. Point of departure is the set of legal instruments that is available for local governments for the planning and development of such projects. It is primarily intended for Dutch and international students. But also researchers and practitioners outside the Netherlands seeking information about Dutch Planning and Development Law may find this a useful introduction to this complex, yet highly relevant field. Fred Hobma and Pieter Jong are lecturers in Planning and Development Law.

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