Gospel of Mark

2 - 4 Weken

This commentary series was written for the average layperson, for the nonprofessional who feels a bit intimidated by the presence of copious footnotes, long bibliographies, and all those other things which so enrich the lives of academics. Working from a literal translation of the original Greek, this commentary examines the text section by section, explaining its meaning in everyday language. Written from an Orthodox and patristic perspective, it maintains a balance between the devotional and the exegetical, feeding both the heart and the mind. Israel expected the Messiah to be a conquering hero who would liberate the Jews from their Roman servitude. But instead, Christ came as a suffering servant to liberate all mankind from slavery to sin. The Gospel of Mark records Christ's public ministry as a journey to the Cross, yet--paradoxically again--as a time of vigorous action when His miracles astounded the multitudes, and His boldness infuriated His foes.

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  • : FR Lawrence R Farley
  • : Conciliar Press
  • : 9781888212549
  • : Engels
  • : Paperback
  • : 282
  • : juli 2004
  • : 404
  • : 219 x 153 x 19 mm.
  • : Orthodox Bible Study Companion Series
  • : Bijbels: Nieuwe Testament; Kritiek op en exegese van heilige teksten